Thursday, November 3, 2022

NaNoWriMo Day Three: See What Happened Was...

 Hey Y'all!

So, I started a story during  my break but, I did not write during my lunch because I ate instead. In my defense, I was hungry. I had a a Publix chicken tender salad made like a Foosackly's salad. It was delicious! Google tells me that today was National Sandwich Day. I could have added a sandwich to my salad. Anyway, now I am home and I have taken a Melatonin because I have to be back at work tomorrow at 8 am. I don't think that I am going to be awake much longer. I also remembered a story that I wanted to write a while back about a proposal. Now I have two stories that I can write. That is what we call progress. Also, did I tell y'all that "Red Dwarf" comes on Crackle? I think I am falling asleep to a Britcom tonight. 

My battery is dying. See you tomorrow.


written 11/3/22

word count: 158

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