Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I never really adjusted to summer break and now school's back in session. I have wanted to post, but I haven't felt very creative. So I thought that I would share links to prompts that I enjoy. Many of you visit through prompts and maybe familiar with these already, but there may be one or two nice finds. I also invite you to post a link to a prompt that I may have missed in the comments section. If you say it is okay, I will edit this post and move the link into the text. You can also email me with a link if you would rather. My email address is to the right.


Kellie Elmore's Free Write Friday
Click on "The Latest" tab

Kellie's prompt was the first one I discovered. She posts prompts on Friday and invites you to free write. The prompts vary in type (picture, question, word bank, etc.) from week to week. You post the link to your blog in the comments.

dVerse Poets Pub

A very cool community. Tuesday they have an Open Link Night for poetry and Thursday and Saturday they post poetry challenges. Monday and Wednesday, they post an article and invite discussion in the comments.  There is so much to learn from this talented group. You link through Mr. Linky.

The Mag

You should visit this prompt if just to look at the pictures and stay for the cool posts. The Mag posts on Sunday and is a picture prompt. You respond to the posted picture on your blog and then post the link through Mr. Linky.

Three Word Wednesay
3WW posts three words and you write something that uses those words. This site has some very cool flash fiction participants. The prompt is posted on Wednesday and you link through Mr. Linky.

The Sunday Whirl

The Sunday Whirl is a word bank prompt. Each Sunday, you get a new Wordle of 12/13 words. You get your creativity on, and then link back through Mr. Linky


This is a beautiful, intense blog with one of the most delightful bloggers that I have met through writing. Plus on Sunday, she posts a challenge and invites responses. You link up through a Mr. Linky.

Mad Kane's Humor Blog Limerick-Off

I am not sure how I forgot to mention this wonderful weekly challenge when I first wrote this post, but I did. Let me offer my deepest apologies. Each week Madeleine Kane gives you the start and you write the limerick(s). If you are not sure about the form, she also has a helpful tutorial. The submissions are hilarious and the challenge is great fun. It is also not uncommon for limerick throw-downs to happen where submitters write limericks back and forth to each other.

Prompts I would like to try one day:

Imaginary Garden with Real Toads

ABC Wednesday

Sunday Scribblings

As with anything, you get what you put into these, so don't link and run unless they ask you to.



  1. heya, i hear you i am still getting my legs under me after school starting...so much to do for my students to get them going....

    1. I think with summer and the multiple computer repairs, I just haven't gotten back into the groove of blogging. Sometimes this strikes me as such an odd thing to do for fun. When I find I am getting stressed over it, I let it go and come back when it is fun again. Maybe it was just having my sweetie-pies around was more fun and I gave up my groove.

  2. Cool links. To show you how ignorant I am, I didn't know what "prompt" meant.

    1. One of the things that I love about fashion blogs is that y'all have parties and challenges! I think that is a more exciting way to say "prompt". I always think of "on time," which I rarely am...

  3. Awww Heidi you are so sweet! (hugs) I have missed you and I hope all is well =) My daughter just started kindergarten and I am so scared after the summer that I am going to forget to take her lol

    1. :-) Kindergarten is wonderful! My daughter reminds me everyday that she needs to go back to school the next day to see her friends. We sometimes have a sad girl on the weekends.

  4. Thanks for sharing these, Heidi! The only ones I'd heard of were Three Word Wednesday and Sunday Scribblings.

    Now to make time to actually participate in some of them. Any helpful hints on how to do that? :)

    (Roll Tide!)

    1. Roll Tide Bone! And since I am only just now replying at the end of October, no, I do not have any helpful hints.


Hi! Thank you for the visit! Grab a plate and a sweet tea and let's dig in. It may take a while, but I always try to reply and return visits.