Friday, September 2, 2011

Annie's Christmas Newsletter

Annie's Christmas Newsletter

Hello Everybody!

I hope that you all had a very pleasant holiday and a joyful New Year. I had a lovely time. I have spent a ton of time with Darnell, which is always good. I am still unemployed, and rather cool with it. I have been spending more time exploring my options. I also haven't forgotten my promise to share with you my experiences. So, I thought that I would share this lesson with you and offer some very good advice.

I know that at the beginning of the year it is customary for folks to make resolutions. And I thought that all of y'all may be wondering what should I resolve this year? Should I resolve to get in shape? Spend more time with my family? Get a better job? Make more money? Learn a foreign language? Take up Krav Maga and/or Macrame'?

All of these would be worthwhile and would help you grow as a person. However, I suggest that you resolve to rent an Indian Musical. (or catch one on TCM.) These movies, which I recommend watching around 1:00am on a Saturday morning, have everything you could want in a movie. Okay, they don't have aliens or ghosts or serial killers or mutated, pissed-off animals, and so I know that those of you who know me so well are at this point scratching their heads and saying to themselves "Well that doesn't fit Annie's criteria of a movie that you should watch."  And you would be partially correct my friends, oh yes, you would. But, you would be forgetting that I love to read a good movie. If you like romance (not sex, there is none of that business here, and very little kissing), and dancing, and multiple exotic locations, and a little mysticism, and men that can do a bang on imitation of a very large cat, and singing, and beautiful costumes, and strong commentary on tradition and love, then Indian Musicals are for you. The best thing is that you get all of this entertainment in a measly four hours minimum.  With that in mind, I would strongly suggest the renting option rather than waiting for Turner Classic Movies to air it, as TCM does not have commercials and you may need a pee break. I also suggest snacks, and that some of those snacks should definitely be fruit. I know around 3:00am , I was craving some fruit. I really wanted some grapes and some watermelon, and oh, pomegranate. Don't you love pomegranate? Isn't it lovely? Except for the stains, and that the seeds can get caught in your teeth, like strawberries, man I always get strawberry seeds stuck in my teeth even when I am drinking a smoothie (I recommend Caribbean Craze with the immune booster-no dairy and quite tasty) or maybe a strawberry fresh fruit slush from sonic (which i hear is rather pleasant with Vodka). So...

Okay. Yeah. Stock up on those snacks. Fruit is good. Oh! and, oh yeah, Craisins! Eat you some Craisins while watching the Indian Musical.  I love Craisins! Who would have thought that dried cranberries could be so yummy!  And good in a green salad. Just like pomegranates. Fix you a mixed green salad with some tomatoes and cucumbers and black olives and feta cheese and some pomegranates. You could eat that for supper before watching the Indian Musical! 

Well, it's been great writing to you. I hope that you enjoy the Indian Musicals ( I know that you will). And the nice salad, it's good.

Congrats this time to Friend Julia and her new baby girl. That's way exciting.  I am very happy for you.

Write you later!



originally written 1/2005
fictionalized 9/2/2011

First off, hey Mom! Thanks for following! I managed to find something older, that was also funny. ( I think it's funny) The sad part is that it is HEAVILY influenced by a real email I wrote. Some of it is fiction, some of it isn't, some of you who are reading will recognize it, what I changed. As always, thanks for reading, responding, and commenting. I also appreciate the fb posts and emails.

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