Friday, April 11, 2014

Free Write Friday:Infinite

photo by heidi helmer

Gazing through glass
into the infinite and beyond
Where is she?

written 4/11/14 for Kellie Elmore's Free Write Friday

Kellie's prompt for today was this:

Tell me about this girl…
2014-04-08 09.52.48

And I thought about this picture I took of my friend Kristin 22 years ago. We have lived that lifetime over again since then. I love you Kris! And how better to express that than a Collum Lune?


  1. That's perfect. I like how it sparked a memory for you and how you expressed it in beautiful brevity.

  2. brevity at it's finest. I love the power packed into a brief thought. lovely penning!


Hi! Thank you for the visit! Grab a plate and a sweet tea and let's dig in. It may take a while, but I always try to reply and return visits.