Sunday, April 14, 2013

NaPoWriMo Day Fourteen: A Horrible Sing-Along Triolet

A Horrible Sing-Along Triolet

My Ph.D. is in Horribleness.
Penny is my one true love.
Captain Hammer I will soon best.

My Ph.D. is in Horribleness.
I will meet Bad Horse's test.
Dr. Horrible will rise above.

My Ph.D. is in Horribleness.
Penny is my one true love.

written 4/14/13 for 

Today's prompt was to write a persona poem from the point of view from a superhero or supervillain  I wanted to write one from Wonder Woman's point-of -view, but the old theme song kept running through my head. So I chose supervillain, Dr. Horrible, from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. And I wrote another sort-of triolet. Thanks for visiting.


  1. ha. i have totally been missing on on dr horribleness...that was a new one on me...smiles.

    hey that smile will be back soon and look forward to dropping in when i return.

    1. Hi Brian! Glad to have turned you onto's funny and I think you can stream it if you have Netflix. Have a wonderful break, and I'll keep the lasagna warm for you. Smiles back at ya'.


Hi! Thank you for the visit! Grab a plate and a sweet tea and let's dig in. It may take a while, but I always try to reply and return visits.