Friday, April 3, 2015

NaPoWriMo Day Three: Night Terrors

In the dark of the night, the noises surround her closing
Down upon her echoing her impending gruesome end.
Alone without her lover, she is defenseless and scared.

The monster that stalks her is ancient, strong, and bloodthirsty.
It yearns to destroy for the fun of it and she has the
Bravery to stand in the way of it-she thwarts it's plans.

For years he supported her and nurtured her old power
With him, she practiced and was able to control it more
But not unnoticed, the monster was watching and worried

What it wants is to strip her flesh and drink her flowing blood
To revel in the pain of her death as punishment for
Daring to be strong, daring to be brave, daring to fight.

But she is more than just her magic, she is a woman
She has the memory of her passion and the strength
Of all women everywhere and the courage of her heart.

The night noises are closing in and the monster is near
Her fear is in her throat as she pulls courage from inside
The monster may be coming, but she will be here-ready.

written 4/3/15 for


Today's prompt was to write a fourteener. According to NaPoWriMo, this is a poem where each line contains fourteen syllables. Traditionally, each line is made up of seven iambic feet. If you have been here before, you know about meter and me. If you are new, you should know that I don't get that shit.

I am also had a hard time coming up with a topic, so I chose a situation from my novel that I started in November for NaNoWriMo. This poem was tough writing. I was bored writing it. It feels a little silly to me and I kept wanting to write in clichés. But, this is the first draft, so, if I want, I can always come back and revise. I think that there could be more, but it might get even more vivid and violent, and I am realizing that I'm not as comfortable writing violence in poetry as I am in prose. Thanks for the cool insight NaPoWriMo prompt!


  1. It feels like I should find a scary picture to attach to this.

  2. Yes, it is scary. You weaved quite a tale with the poetry challenge. It flows nicely. Great job!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Audrey. I am weirdly happy that I scared you.

  4. sounds like an interesting novel! Did you finish it?

    1. Hey Talicha!
      Thank you. I really like it it but I have not finished it yet. In December, I had a realization about one of the characters that made me sad and I stopped writing. I have done some editing and revision of what was written and began writing again last night. The horrible thing I realized is still true, but I am more comfortable with it now. I posted a section of the book here in December, 2014.

  5. Scary but exciting! I put my money on the woman over the monster any day.

    1. Thanks! She's not the most kick-ass character or woman in my book, but I think that she may be the strongest. I'm pulling for her too.

  6. Having never done a fourteener, something tells me you made this look easier than it is.

    And to think, after that first stanza I thought it was going to be a sweet story about how she hears noises and gets scared when she's alone!

    1. Hey Bone! Thank you. It was not easy. It was a pain in the neck, actually. But one that I would try again. This is about Eva, so there was potential that it could have been sweet, but the part of the book that I am worked on last night has her kind of tortured.

  7. I don't like scary stuff, but I was still sucked into your world. Damn you for being so good at suspenseful writing!

    1. Thanks! I like using poetry to help figure out parts of my prose when I'm stuck.

  8. I, too, struggled with the "fourteener" -- NOT easy! Was relieved to discover that the woman will be "here-ready" in time -- so the scary bit worked!

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Welcome to the lasagna. I'm glad you liked my poem. The fourteener was a doozey of a challenge.

  9. Well done lovely Heidi - can't wait to read the novel!
    Anna :o]

    1. Thank you sweet Anna! I hope I finish it one day. It's like the blob, it consumes more and more of my time and just gets bigger. I think that my novel may be plotting for world domination.

  10. I feel like a lot of women could relate to this and find strength in this poem. I can see many women standing up to dark things that torment them in this poem. It is a dark and scary poem, but all throughout we hear that she is brave and strong; she may feel defenseless and scared but at the end we see her: back against a wall, determined look on her face, ready to fight. We have hope for her, because we know she is ready. Love this poem.

    1. Thank you Sharon! Welcome to the lasagna!


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