Thursday, April 30, 2015

NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-nine: Cinquain Review of an Ex-Boyfriend (and, no, I am not talking about you.)

As a
boyfriend he could
have been better and less
needy, but man, he sure knew how
to fuck.

written 4/29/15 for

Today's prompt was to write a review. I cheated a little here I think, but it is still a review. And one of these days, I will keep in mind that my mother does actually read this thing.


  1. Naughty, mischievous, i like it!

    Really good poem... and some other things...

    1. Thanks! I thought it was funny, but I'm catching some shit for it. Everything I've posted here, and this is the one that land me in trouble.

    2. Thanks! I thought it was funny, but I'm catching some shit for it. Everything I've posted here, and this is the one that land me in trouble.


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