Saturday, April 25, 2015

NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-Four: Suessally

Deep down in my own quagmire
I do not want to satire
I do not want to parody
NaPoWriMo- just let me be!

I am trying to follow the prompt each day
I try to write just what you say
But uninspired I feel right now
I'll end here and take a bow.

written 4/25/15 for day 24 for

The prompt for day 24 was to write a parody or satire of a famous poem. I wasn't feeling it to much and thus this.


  1. I thought this was a clever response. I wasn't feeling the satire prompt either.

    1. Thanks! Satire is not my thing. I really like parodies, though. I just didn't have my weird al energy to do it bigger.

  2. I think you should definitely keep this prompt in the bag and revisit it someday when you're feeling more satirical. You'd kill it.

    1. Thank you but, I rarely enjoy satire. I think maybe I'm not sophisticated enough for it. Usually, it seems like an excuse to kick someone when they are already down, or to preach self-righteousness. I'll think about it.

  3. It works -- glad you're keepin' on! (from Oaks to Acorns)

    1. Thanks Liz! My sweetie-pies had been quoting Seuss to me all month, so this was the easiest path for me to take.


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